Two day Funeral CPD Conference 12 & 13 October 2019
National CPD Conference for Funeral Celebrants
Mercure Brandon Hall hotel, Coventry
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th October 2019
Two days of CPD with Emma Curtis
(Saturday evening Guest Talk and 3-course Dinner must be booked separately)
Day One – Saturday: Self-care and Resilience-building for funeral celebrants – A relaxed day of support, advice and care
10.30 till 5pm
Day Two – Sunday: Advanced Creative Ceremony Writing and Current Trends for Funerals in 2020
Make sure to book your accomodation at the Mercure Brandon Hall Hotel and Spa with the code ‘Ceremony Matters’ before 11 September.
FPC National CPD Conference for Funeral Celebrants
Mercure Brandon Hall hotel, Coventry
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th October 2019
Two days of CPD plus a Conference Guest Talk and 3-course Dinner
with Emma Curtis, plus guest speaker Fran Hall, CEO Good Funeral Guide.
Learn how to manage stress
Prevent compassion fatigue
Handle your worries
- Talk about developing really good working relationships with funeral directors and arrangers in changing times.
Discover what you can do when you feel sad.
Drop-in Celebrant Surgery for anyone who would like support or advice
Spend time talking, sharing resources and developing support networks with colleagues
Walk in the hotel’s gardens
Soak in the spa to really give yourself the treat and ’time out’
Following on from last year’s really popular creative writing workshop, you asked to spend more time developing those skills. We are going to be continuing where we left off with our workshop concentrating on:
Unique farewells,
Commendations and
so that your ceremonies can be unique top-to-tail.
A scrummy buffet lunch.
After lunch:
Explore new trends in funeral celebrancy
Officiating ceremonies at unusual and alternative venues
Learn how to manage the practicalities of ceremonies where no funeral director is present
Plus a chance to talk about the new Funeral Celebrancy Council.
Emma Curtis is the Manager of CPD for Funerals and also our FPC representative on the Funeral Celebrancy Council, working to raise the standards of funeral celebrancy throughout the profession and gaining recognition for the valuable work that celebrants do in the service of the bereaved.
Winner of the National Celebrant Award for Influencing the Wider Professional in Funeral Celebrancy, she is also the only non-religious minister to be recognised in the Minister of the Year category at the Good Funeral Awards, as runner-up. Emma is also a certified Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist, Pastoral Counsellor, Grief Specialist and award-winning Opera Singer, bringing that wealth of experience not only to her clients, but to supporting celebrants through mentoring, supervision and further training. Emma is the founder of Celebrant Support
Terri Shanks said of Emma at last year's CPD conference:
"Emma delivered with sensitivity, passion and fun. Keeping everyone fully engaged from start to Finish. The practical exercises that she gave the celebrants to do were stimulating, thought provoking and challenged them to think outside of the box and stretched their creative writing skills to new levels, with those present even saying that they produced levels of writing which they didn’t know they could deliver. Many celebrants have already fed back that they have taken these new going skills away and applied them to their work in the wider field of celebrancy."
National UK Funeral Celebrancy Continuing Professional Development Conference
Mercure Brandon Hall hotel, Coventry
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th October 2019
Two days of CPD plus a Conference Guest Talk and 3-course Dinner
with Emma Curtis, plus guest speaker Fran Hall, CEO Good Funeral Guide.
Day One – Saturday: Self-care and Resilience-building for funeral celebrants – A relaxed day of support, advice and care
10.30 till 5pm
Day Two – Sunday: Advanced Creative Ceremony Writing and Changing Trends for Funerals in 2020
Conference Saturday:
Self-care and Resilience-building for funeral celebrants – A relaxed day of support, advice and care
10.30 till 5pm
Self-care Is not an indulgence. It’s a discipline, and an important practice if we are to stay healthy and able to offer the best of ourselves to our clients/families.
It can be really hard to support families in their grief. Many of us have been sharing tears shed over tragic situations, and the pressure of getting each ceremony just right in the online forum. It can also be challenging to work with some of our colleagues in the industry when they do not understand our work. Some of us are not getting all the support that we need. Come and join us as Saturday offers an opportunity to reflect on our working practice, learn some helpful coping skills, and to relax and restore.
Learn how to manage stress
Prevent compassion fatigue
Handle your worries
- Discuss the value that we give to our work and how that compares, what we are paid under the current model and how we might resolve any imbalance.
- Talk about developing really good working relationships with funeral directors and arrangers in changing times
Discover what you can do when you feel sad or dispirited
- Discuss what we are doing to protect ourselves as lone workers
- Understand that it’s not just you who is worried about the way forward! So many new entrants into celebrancy are meaning that we have to really up our game. Find out how and leave with renewed fire in your belly.
Share your stories and your experience, and discover that we can be more resilient when we support each other. Celebrancy is becoming more competitive, but supportive alliances can help us stay strong and doing our best work.
A buffet lunch is provided for you, then in the afternoon you can choose to do what suits you best.
In the afternoon:
Drop-in Celebrant Surgery for anyone who would like support or advice
- Peer to peer reflective practice opportunity
Spend time talking, sharing resources and developing support networks with colleagues
If you need time alone then walk in the hotel’s lovely gardens or soak in the spa to really give yourself a treat and ’time out’
Get the opportunity to really relax and rest, before we all meet for the evening talk and dinner.
Give yourself at treat, look after you, and get what you need from the day. Advice and support will be available all day
Give yourself at treat, look after you, and get what you need from the day.
Conference Sunday: Advanced Creative Ceremony Writing and Changing Trends for Funerals 2020
Emma has become well respected for her really popular creative writing workshops. Spend more time developing your skills. We are going to be examining how to easily write flowing unique scripts and this year we’ll be concentrating on how we write totally individual and personalised ceremonies, especially:
so that your ceremonies can be meaningful and fitting top-to-tail, everytime.
A scrummy buffet lunch.
After lunch:
Explore new trends in funeral celebrancy
Officiating ceremonies at unusual and alternative venues. “How to work beyond the crematorium chapel”
Learn how to manage the practicalities of ceremonies where no funeral director is present
Plus a chance to talk about the new Funeral Celebrancy Council and the future of Funeral Celebrancy
It’s going to be a packed day and you’ll leave with new tools and ideas you are excited to try.
Tutor profile
Emma Curtis is an award-winning influencer in funeral celebrancy working to raise the standards of funeral celebrancy throughout the profession and working to gain recognition for the valuable work that celebrants do in the service of the bereaved. She was the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants Manager of CPD for two years, and a founder representative on the Funeral Celebrancy Council, and now offers this National Conference to Celebrants who wish to offer services that really make a lasting difference to their clients, and that build their reputation as excellent celebrants.
Winner of the National Celebrant Award for ‘Influencing the Wider Profession’ in Funeral Celebrancy, she is also the only non-religious minister to have been recognised in the ‘Minister of the Year’ category at the Good Funeral Awards, where she was awarded runner-up. Emma is also a certified Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist, Pastoral Counsellor, Grief Specialist and award-winning Opera Singer, bringing that wealth of experience not only to her clients, but to supporting celebrants through mentoring, supervision and further training. Emma is the founder of Celebrant Support and CeremonyMatters, further trainings for Funeral Celebrants.
We are so excited to be able to offer you 20% off the full price when you book the full conference before Wednesday 31 July 2019.