Training from novice to advanced – New skills for experienced celebrants – Confidence as a New Celebrant – Creative solutions for bespoke ceremonies – Public Speaking and Presentation Skills – Singing & Voice Work – Support for Compassion Fatigue- Creative Ceremony writing – Managing Stress and Boosting Confidence – Better Family Meetings – Alternative Ceremonies – New Rituals – Managing difficult situations and complicated dynamics – On-going Mentoring – Emotional Support – German, French and Italian spoken language – Blended faith ceremonies – How to do Burials and Memorials – and more.
About Emma
My name is Emma Curtis, the founder of Celebrant Support.
An award-winning, experienced non-religious minister and independent celebrant. I am also a cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist and pastoral counsellor, I offer specialist mentoring, training and support to celebrants. I’m also an opera singer and actress with 30 years experience onstage internationally. At the National Celebrant Awards 2018 I won the award for ‘Influencing the Wider Profession’ for my celebrancy and my work with Celebrant Support, providing CPD and support to celebrants. I’m passionate about making sure that you have the support you need to feel great about providing beautiful and meaningful personalised ceremonies to your clients.
I can help you with:
Confidence as a new celebrant
New skills for experienced celebrants
Creative solutions for bespoke ceremonies – keeping it fresh!
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
Singing & Voice Work
Easing anxiety and boosting confidence
Creative ceremony writing
Interviewing techniques
Alternative ceremonies and new rituals
Managing difficult situations and complicated dynamics
On-going Mentoring
Emotional Support
German, French and Italian languages

Birkbeck College, University of London
Certified Thanatologist – Death and Grief Studies -Specialising in Carried and Complicated Grief, PTSD as Traumatic Grief and Grief Group facilitation Dr Alan Wolfelt, Center for Loss and Life Transitions/Colorado State University
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist CBH Dip, UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Independent Celebrant – Funerals & Weddings and Family Ceremonies Fellowship of Professional Celebrants
Ordained Minister and Pastoral Counsellor Venus Rising Association
Post Diploma Vocal Training (Opera and Concert singing) Certificate of Advanced Study Guildhall School of Music & Drama
Graduate Diploma in Music GGSM 2.2 (Bachelor’s degree) Guildhall School of Music & Drama
CPD in CBT for Insomnia, Panic Disorders, Low Self-esteem, PTSD by UKCHH, Supervision for Bereavement Practitioners by CBUK, and Working with LGBT+ clients.
Emma is a Dementia Friends Champion and Death Cafe host and facilitator.
She also gives talks about ‘Death and Music’, ‘Why talking about Death makes Life better’, about Death Cafe’s, and ‘All you ever wanted to know about funerals but were afraid to ask’.
Emma is a certified Sound Healer, Master Breathwork Practitioner, Reiki Master and Laughter Yoga leader.
I messaged Emma for a HELP ME! session as I needed inspiration for a way into a funeral ceremony the like of which I’d not met in the last seven years! Her help was instantaneous, right on the button and I sat down and wrote the whole thing without a pause. Thanks Emma for a perfect service!
I had the pleasure of chatting with Emma recently about a celebrant business idea I couldn’t get straight in my head.She helped me to break it down and enabled me to formulate a plan… Without Emma’s focussed reasoning, my idea would still be swimming around my head making little or no sense, even to me !( and I’m the one who thought of it!!!) Thank you Emma for your calm logic.
“I have incorporated many of your ideas and simply cannot tell you how grateful I am for your guidance. Of equal help has been your encouragement and support, which had enabled me to get this far!.”
Emma was so supportive and helpful during my journey into celebrancy. She shared her experience, advice and skills so selflessly, and observing her work gave me confidence I don’t feel I could have found on my own. Her support both in person and on the telephone guided me through some critical moments in my work. Emma’s approachable, friendly manner, combined with her vast experience, her confidence and her belief in what she does, make her an excellent resource for celebrants, or anyone involved in grief counselling.”
Thank you Emma Curtis for your wonderful and inspiring creative writing session at the Convention. It encouraged me to try a new opening today, slightly out of my comfort/safe zone and ‘stretch myself’. At the funeral today it worked so well… The widow said that service was ‘brilliant’ and it was as if her husband was actually there.
Emma has helped me so much with my work as a celebrant. I didn’t feel that my training adequately prepared me for working as a celebrant so Emma mentored me. I felt supported, encouraged and guided and developed my own style of ceremonies. Highly recommended service for funeral celebrants, no matter how experienced.
The little pieces of advice that you have given me over the last 12 months have been invaluable. You are a natural mentor… this is something that can only serve to aid those of us who wish to offer the very best overall service”
“Emma is wise and perceptive, compassionate and kind. ”
Why Celebrant Support?
I have been mentoring celebrants for the last three years. People come to me for advice, or to ‘pick my brains’ and, as I passionately believe in the value of ceremony, I do what I can to support my colleagues. Those I have been mentoring have said to me, “I should be paying you for this” and “you just saved me so much time”. Celebrants have told me that Celebrant Support is a worthwhile investment in their well-being and their work, and now the National Celebrant Awards have said “Emma is a very worthy winner of this award. Her nominations came from many different people who recognised her effort in launching Celebrant Support to support celebrants with CPD and further training. Emma launched this service as a way to increase support for celebrants in the wider context. And we are delighted to recognise that effort today”
I value being able to support good celebrants who want to be great celebrants. I want to share with you the things that will save you time, will boost your confidence, support you when you’re losing time and energy through stress, and add value to your service. So, in short, I started Celebrant Support because Celebrants asked me to. I’ve set my prices according the value that those celebrants have placed on my service.
Celebrant Support is a part of Ceremony Matters, which offers Continuing Professional Development for funeral celebrants to help you feel more assured in your practice and to offer you new tools and ideas for your celebrancy practice.